Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm a great...

Aunt! It's a very exciting day because my nephew Tyler and his wife Mary Katherine introduce another generation into the Plaas family this morning with the birth of Isabella Monroe. She surprised us all by weighing in at 8# 1oz and a perfect 19" long. Bella (Izzie if you ask me :-) has red hair just like her mother and her father is so thrilled he only half makes sense when talking to him over the phone. First time daddies are so cute! Really! I've met hundreds, even thousands? over the course of my nursing career and there's nothing quite so charming to watch than a new daddy. Of course my brother, the new grandfather, blubbered on quite nicely himself.

I'm just delighted that Bella made it here safe and sound and that she was born to a family where she has a mommy and a daddy who are married to each other and committed to caring for each other forever. I wasn't surprised when Tyler called last night to inform us that Mary Katherine's water has broken and they were headed to the hospital. I knew that Isabella would be born today as it is her great great grandmother Louise Emma Schubert Plaas' birthday. Grandma Plaas would have been 109 years old today. June is just a great month for Plaas women, as my sister Stephanie (9th) and I (6th) were also born in June. I'm sure that grandma and Stephanie were both in attendance from across the veil to guide this precious little one in her transition to earth. It's a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Romi said...

Congratulations all around!!!